Four Responses To Risks Or Opportunities – Exam Answers

Hi Paul, a group of us at college who are taking the level 4 APM project management course would like some feedback on two potential answers we’ve given for “List and describe four responses to risks or opportunities”. Firstly we have listed out our response to risks and then listed out responses to opportunities. Would […]

How to Write a Project Plan

Benjamin Franklin is often attributed with the quote “Failing to plan is planning to fail” and in perhaps no other area of business is the quote more apt than in project management.   A poorly run project is doomed from the start, and without a project plan it is almost impossible to run your project […]

Negotiating a Pay Rise as a project manager

Negotiating A Pay Rise As A Project Manager

If the amount you are being paid is making you consider a change of employer then look at our tips to consider negotiating a pay rise in your current role first.   When you work in Project Management your salary will depend on quite a few different factors. Things like location, your project management skills […]

Project reporting tips

Reporting Tips For Project Managers

Project reporting can be time-consuming, but with the right tools and methods it doesn’t need to be. It doesn’t matter what project management tools you are using, you need to make sure that you are using ones that have the ability to report project data easily as well as being able to easily share the […]

project management apprentice

Your Pathway To Project Management

A complete guide to qualifications, interview techniques and tips for landing your ideal project management job.   Project managers are in demand across all industries and sectors. With keen organisational skills and the ability to see the bigger picture, a project manager who delivers time and again is the person every business with large and […]

Feedback Please – Structured Lifecycle Approach

Q. Explain 5 distinct benefits of using a structured lifecycle approach. (50 marks) A. One benefit of using a structured lifecycle approach which coincidentally is one of the main benefits which is: Common Approach. When delivering projects, there are many different approaches a PM/organisation can use. This could lead to lots of different problems if […]

Advice on Exam Question

Q. List and describe 5 things a project manager might do to prepare for a negotiation. (50 marks) Here my first instinct is to explain the negotiation process, however upon further thinking I believe that this question is asking for details of the planning phase? Off the top of my head I can only think […]

Feedback Please – Teamwork

Q. In a project context, what is meant by ‘teamwork’ (10 marks) A. Team work is where a group of individuals collaborate and co-ordinate together towards a common goal. They tend to share a common purpose and do what they can to achieve it. For example there is a need to deliver a requirement to […]

team structure

Why Team Structure Matters in Project Management

You might think that how you structure your team doesn’t really matter too much, after all if you have the right people with the right skills and a clear plan for the project that should be enough, shouldn’t it? Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple and a well-structured team can provide many advantages. With a well-structured […]

Feedback – Organisational Roles In Project Environment

Q List 5 roles associated with a project environment. Include in your answer the responsibilities of each role (50 marks) A The 5 roles associated with a project environment are: 1. Sponsor 2. Project Manager (PM) 3. Project Team 4. Suppliers 5. Users 1. The sponsor has involvement throughout the project from business need to […]

Feedback Please – Organisational Structure

A weak area of mine and struggle to think of examples. Q Explain these types of organisational structures when used in a project context: Functional, Project and Matrix (30 marks) A Functional – This type of structure is organised around functional groups and is very structured and process heavy. It has clear reporting lines and […]

Feedback Please – Health & Safety Plan

Q Explain the purpose of the health and safety plan (10 marks) A The purpose of the health and safety plan is to secure the health and safety and welfare of people at work and to protect them from risks to health and safety. The health and safety act of 1974 specifies this to protect […]

Feedback Please – Attributes Of A Project

TQ: List 5 key attributes of a project and describe how each differs from Business As Usual. A: The 5 key attributes of a project are: 1. They are unique 2. They have a finite lifespan i.e. a clear start and end date 3. They operate under a set budget e.g. CAPEX 4. They seek […]

Chartered Project Professional – Competence 3: Conflict Management

If you are already a project professional with a track record of managing complex projects, programmes or portfolios and can demonstrate experience in 10 mandatory and two elective competencies, then you could be ready to become a Chartered Project Professional. You will also require advanced technical knowledge and understanding of the theory of current practices […]