agile project team

When Is “agile” Not “Agile”? Clearing Up The Confusion

Anyone involved in project management will be familiar with the term “Agile”. It is front and centre of many a project manager’s arsenal when it comes to managing projects that require some degree of flexibility. Additionally, it helps to promote collaboration and achieve optimal stakeholder satisfaction. Used by many project managers, Agile is a framework […]

features of hybrid project management

Could Combining Traditional and Agile Methods Lead To More Successful Projects?

There are many different ways to approach managing a project, including hybrid project management. The best approach will partly depend on the type of project, the type of organisation and even the personal attitudes of the project manager. Some organisations will insist on following a formal methodology rigorously, others will allow a PM to adapt […]

become a better project manager

How To Transition Effectively Into An Agile Project Manager

More and more companies are switching to agile project management. This is a form of project management approach that uses short development cycles (sprints), so that there is a focus on continual improvement when developing a service or product. While becoming an agile project manager certainly has its benefits, implementing this approach is not without […]

project management courses feedback

How To Use Agile Project Management

With rapidly changing business environments companies need to respond quickly, and react positively, to change. Very often the expectations and requirements are unclear at the start of a project and many projects need to evolve and change from the initial concept as they move forwards if they are to deliver what the client wants. So […]

project management courses feedback

Project Management: The New Kid on the Block Grows Up

The project management profession is growing and evolving as projects become a more significant part of businesses in our complex and fast-changing environments. The approach to project management is, consequently, being improved to more reliably give successful results. But just what is the most reliable approach to project management? Is it the tried and tested […]