How To Transition Effectively Into An Agile Project Manager

Paul Naybour

More and more companies are switching to agile project management. This is a form of project management approach that uses short development cycles (sprints), so that there is a focus on continual improvement when developing a service or product. While becoming an agile project manager certainly has its benefits, implementing this approach is not without its challenges. Here are some quick tips on how to effectively transition into becoming an agile project manager.

Get comfortable with more delegation

One of the main aspects of agile project management is that everyone is responsible for the success of the project. The responsibility is now decentralised, and this is something that can take some getting used to. Of course, there will still be some control points, yet there is more of a shared feel when it comes to agile project management.

Support everyone throughout

As the project manager, it is vital that you support everyone on your team throughout this transition. Make sure everyone is focused on his or her roles and responsibilities.

Create the right environment

You need to foster an environment that is collaborative, which creates a mindset where small failures are acceptable, even encouraged, in order to learn from them.

Encourage open communication

For a project to be successful, open communication is a necessity. It is a vital ingredient when it comes to the agile approach. You need to put together and manage a communication plan, which includes providing guidelines for all of your team so they know the various communication methods that are going to be used to keep everyone updated regarding the project status.

Practice dependency management

Another critical element of agile project management is dependency management. This will lower project slippages. There are numerous ways you can go about this, from periodic meetings to dependency boards.

Handle risks at the earliest opportunity

Both traditional risk management and agile project management involve monitoring risks in a project. However, the difference with the latter is that risks are addressed at the earliest possible opportunity. Agile’s iterative nature enables you to tackle every risk head on.

Adopt a pragmatic approach to documentation

Another tip for new agile project managers is to adopt a pragmatic approach to documentation. You need to make sure that the correct amount of useful documentation is created that will incrementally evolve throughout the lifespan of the project.

Take a training course

One of the best ways to become more familiar with this approach and more confident in it’s implementation is to take a training course. This give you the perfect basis to implement an agile approach successfully and switch to the right mindset.

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