What should be assessed in an updated APM PMQ based on BoK8

Paul Naybour

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The Association for Project Management (APM) has started work on updating their Body of Knowledge from version 7 to 8. This will result in a refresh of the APM qualifications, including the APM Project Management Qualification (APM PMQ). At Parallel, we are very keen to ensure this refreshed qualification meets the practical needs of aspiring project managers and the organisations they work with. Based on feedback from course delegates, we feel that the syllabus could better reflect the day-to-day practice of project managers. In particular, those things that you find help you deliver successful projects. The APM has issued a call for evidence, so we would like your help the collecting evidence to make the revised APM PMQ as practical and relevant as possible. To do this, we ask you to spend 10 minutes completing this survey. If you have more detailed comments or views, please do get in touch at withyoualltheway@parallelprojecttraining.com

What should be assessed in an updated APM PMQ Syllabus

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The Association for Project Management (APM) has started work on updating their Body of Knowledge from version 7 to 8. This will result in a refresh of the APM qualifications, including the APM Project Management Qualification (APM PMQ). At Parallel, we are very keen to ensure this refreshed qualification meets the practical needs of aspiring project managers and the organisations they work with. Based on feedback from course delegates, we feel that the syllabus could better reflect the day-to-day practice of project managers. In particular, those things that you find help you deliver successful projects. The APM has issued a call for evidence, so we would like your help the collecting evidence to make the revised APM PMQ as practical and relevant as possible. To do this, we ask you to spend 10 minutes completing this survey. If you have more detailed comments or views, please do get in touch at withyoualltheway@parallelprojecttraining.com

Relevance of existing assessment criteria

How relevant are the assessment criteria in the current APM PMQ to your role as a project manager. By relevance we mean how closely does the knowledge in each assessment criteria PMQ inform what you do (or should be doing) and how important are they to the success of your projects. So to be highly relevant they be something that is part of your role and you believe makes an impact on project success. So for example it would be highly relevant to your role as a PM if may put significant time into ‘managing stakeholder expectations’ and believe this makes your project more successful. You might think that ‘differentiating between critical path and critical chain’ is highly irrelevant because you don’t do it and don’t think it would improve your projects delivery. We apologies that this section is so long, but we wanted to collect evidence on the cover the entire APM PMQ syllabus. Hopefully you can get though it quite quickly.

New Assement Areas

In this section please indicate any new assessment areas that you might think are relevant to project managers today.
Are there any areas of project mangment practice that are not covered by the current APM PMQ syslibus that you think should be added.

Current Assessement Method

What are the advantages / disadvantages of the current assessment method? How could it be improved?
The current assessment method is ten from sixteen questions in three hours and fifteen minutes. Each question requires a two-part mini-essay answer.
The current assessment method is ten from sixteen questions in three hours and fifteen minutes. Each question requires a two-part mini-essay answer.
With this question, the APM is asking what type of future assessment methods should be used in the APM PMQ. For example, options could include a simplified set of questions, a multiple-choice assessment such as the PMI PMP qualification or a case study based assessment as used in the APMG planning and control qualification.

Optional Contact Details

If you would like a summary of the survey results please leave you contact details below. We will only us them for feedback on this form.
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