Feedback On Sample Exam Paper Question 2 Much Appreciated.

Paul Naybour

‘List and describe five key activities typically performed as part of an effective configuration management process.’

  1. Configuration Management Planning.
  2. Configuration Identification.
  3. Configuration Control.
  4. Configuration Status Accounting.
  5. Configuration Verification and Audit.
  1. Configuration Management Planning is required to make sure that an appropriate Configuration Management procedure is in place and is being followed. The Configuration Management procedure being documented in the Configuration Management Plan, defining all the Project specific configuration management activities, roles and responsibilities. For example imagine a project without configuration control; you have commissioned a contractor to build a shed on your allotment but due to no controls, checks, agreement or communication the contractor ends up building a tree house – this would not meet the requirement.
  2. Configuration Identification is required to ensure correct and consistent identification of all various components that go to make up the whole ‘configuration’ (configuration items). An example of this would be the product breakdown structure for a Conference which could be 1) Venue, 2) Attendees, 3) Speakers, 4) Publicity, 5) Delegate hand-outs, 6) Conference Logistics, 7) Previous Conference Materials.
  3. Configuration Control is required to manage the configuration items, typically involving 1) Change Control, 2) Checking In / Out for amendment, 3) Checking the affect / not affect, 4) Approvals, 5) Notification, 6) Record Update. For example without Configuration Control, Delegate hand-outs that are distributed may not be at the correct Version.
  4. Configuration Status Accounting is required to record and report information relating to each configuration item in order for version control to be implemented and maintained. An example of this would be the ‘history’ of software source files used in building a software application.
  5. Configuration Verification and Audit is required to ensure all planned configuration items are version controlled with evidence to demonstrate change control configuration and testing has been completed. For example without Configuration Verification and Audit, the release of the software application and Certificate of Conformity could not be verified and audited.

1 thought on “Feedback On Sample Exam Paper Question 2 Much Appreciated.”

  1. Lots of marks there I think Darran – It is a pain under exam conditions to write out ‘Configuration Management’ etc., over and again so if in the ‘list you wrote:
    Configuration Management (CM) Planning (CMP), thereafter you could just write ‘CM’ or ‘CMP’ as appropriate. Your lists with numbers might look clearer on separate lines?

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