APMP Training Courses

APMP is now known as APM PMQ (Project Management Qualification) so for the most up-to-date information see our APM PMQ Courses page.

This qualification can boost your career prospects providing new opportunities in the project profession. It is a knowledge-based and competence-based course of study so you will learn the practical skills that can be immediately applied on live projects as soon as you have completed the training course.

Whatever stage you are at in your career as a project professional, attending a training course and gaining a recognised qualification will show employers you have the commitment and skills to deliver successful projects.

APMP is now known as
APM PMQ (Project Management Qualification)

APMP qualifications can boost your career prospects providing new opportunities in the project profession. APMP is a knowledge-based and competence-based course of study so you will learn the practical skills that can be immediately applied on live projects as soon as you have completed the training course.

Since late 2016 APMP was rebranded as APM PMQ so for the most up-to-date information see our APM PMQ Courses page.

APMP courses require a commitment of time, effort and money with a substantial amount of reading and preparation before the course, during the course itself, and then revision and exam preparation afterwards. So to pass the APMP course and reap the benefits of a recognised qualification, candidates will need to be prepared for that level of commitment.

Effective Preparation for the APMP Exam

Preparing for the APMP exam can be hard work, but preparation is essential if you want to pass. It is a valuable certificate to hold because it is so hard to pass. Employers simply wouldn’t value it so much if it was easy.

Prepare for the exam by taking the necessary project management course (via distance learning or a classroom-based course), practise exam papers, listen to our podcasts and as much revision as you can manage. Become familiar with the different types of question, structuring answers and time management. And don’t forget, whilst preparation is key, part of that preparation needs to be relaxing yourself and allowing your mind to absorb the relevant information and cope with the nerves! Spending 24/7 desperately cramming information into your head and succumbing to nerves in the lead up to the exam will not help you succeed. Balance your time by creating an achievable revision schedule and regular breaks and rewards.

Pick The Right Questions – Keeping Your Eye On The Time

With many activities, three hours is a long time, but not when it comes to exams. Passing this exam is a lot less likely if you don’t answer all of your questions. So pick your questions well and make sure you give yourself enough time to answer them properly. There are 52 different Body of Knowledge subjects and 37 of those are covered by the APMP syllabus. Any 16 of those 37 subjects will come up as questions in the exam, and you’ll be answering 10 of those questions.

How Do I Choose The Right Questions?

You must be able to choose the ten questions you want to answer extremely quickly. Learning how to do this before the actual exam is a great idea by using practise papers. You must be honest with yourself and recognise which subjects you’re comfortable with, which you’re not so comfortable with and ones you really don’t even want to attempt. When you open the exam, quickly read the questions and number them from 1-16 in order of the ones you are most comfortable with. Then work from the top of your top ten – easiest to hardest.

How Do I Manage My Time Effectively?

In the 3 hours you have to complete the exam you should look to spend around 15 minutes on each question, giving you 15 minutes either side of the exam to select your questions and check your answers. Some answers will require more elaborate answers than others, and each question is worth 50 marks. Bear the point score in mind for each part of the question answered (the potential marks to be awarded will be listed by each section).

Answering The Questions

Focus your attention on answering the questions precisely and specifically. Don’t write down all you know about a subject just because the question involves that subject. Never assume the examiner will know what you mean with vague remarks, or comments relative to your industry either. Try to make clear and concise statements directly relating to the question. Your examiner does not know you, remember that!

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