Describe Five Stages In Information Management

Paul Naybour

  1. Information Planning: The first stage is to prepare an information management plan, which set out how information will be controlled as part of the project. Typical it will set out the responsibilities for information management, the procedures to be followed and details such as the numbering conventions for documents and drawings. This is one part of the policies and procedures in the project management plan
  2. Information Capture: Second stage is the information capture which is the PM is responsibility. PM has to be careful while deciding the information that will be captured (i.e. only relevant information to be collected). That is important since any incoming information need time and effort to be formatted, reviewed and analyse. For example, collecting irrelevant information for exiting utilities that are located outside the project area.
  3. Information Storage: Third stage is information storage. Information comes in various formats either hard copies, emails, audio, video…etc. Electronic storage is commonly used these days as it accommodates the storage of huge sizes of data and enables maintaining backup for the stored data. Stored information need to be properly recorded with version control and in non-editable format. Secured access to be given to project team members to access their relevant data; For example, numerous as-built drawings for the existing utilities in the project site were collected in hard copies. These are scanned and stored on the project server, with copies uploaded on the share point link for respective team members use.
  4. Information Reporting: PM is responsible for conversion of data into information that is relevant, minimum to achieve objectives, timely and accurate. Once that is achieved, then information can be circulated among the project team to make use of, or can be reported to the sponsor and stakeholders in clear format that they can understand. For example PM is reporting sponsor about relevant information related to an escalated issue.
  5. Information archiving: One final stage is the information archiving. Information need to be archived for a minimum period of time that should be agreed with the Client. PM should also agree the format in which the data will be archived (i.e. hard copies or soft copies), how often the data will be retrieved especially for hard copy documents and the lead time for retrieving the documents. For example, project as-built drawings and reports are archived in hard copies format in the company store in Dubai. Minimum two working days will be required to retrieve any of the archived data.

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