Feedback For Question 1 In Section 7: Communications?

Paul Naybour

Hello Paul, Would it be possible to give me some feedback on my answer to question 1 in Section 7: Communications?

Describe five main components of a project communications plan.

1. The target for the communications.

Work performed on stakeholder analysis during the initial phases of the project will be extremely useful in identifying who the project needs to communicate with. This is important as it assists in identifying which groups and individuals need to be influenced for the project to be successful. For example, a specific presentation on the environmental impact of a project may be prioritised to be delivered to a local environmental body.

2. The type of communication.

The communication plan will outline the type of information which will be communicated into and out of a project. This can be divided into various types, including product information and process information. For example, the product information contains what the project will produce and at what level of quality, whilst the process information would contain such information as timings, costs and risks.

3. Costs.

Effective communication costs money so this needs to be factored into the budget of the project. The budget will impact on the type and volume of communication to be undertaken due to the cost of resources required to deliver it. For instance, a face to face meeting is a very important form of communication but can be very expensive if invitees have to travel long distances.

4. Feedback.

Feedback is the key to ensure and measure the ongoing effectiveness of communications. By monitoring and assessing feedback regularly it’s possible to communicate with key stakeholders needs and concerns in a timely fashion. For example, a meeting can be arranged to provide formal feedback (especially if an audit trail is required) to sponsors and key stakeholders according to a predetermined schedule laid out in the communications plan

5. Communication mechanisms.

The communications plan must have a clear strategy for the various communication channels. The main categories for communication are: formal and informal verbal communications, formal and informal written communications and non-verbal communications. For instance, an example of non-verbal communication would be the way in which an individual puts across a message via their own personal mannerisms, this is commonly referred to as body language and can have big impact on how the message is delivered and received.

1 thought on “Feedback For Question 1 In Section 7: Communications?”

  1. Very good the only thing I would change is to swap communication mechanism with budget for communication activity. And this is only because it is easier to describe

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