List/Describe 5 Key Attributes Of A Project – Difference To Bau

Paul Naybour

Hi Paul . Your views on my first attempt. Never been one for beating about the bush. Prefer short straight answers. is this enough or do I need to fluff them out ?

  1. A project is a unique transient endeavourĀ 
  2. Designed to bring about sweeping change
  3. A project has a defined start and finish
  4. A project always involves an element of risk
  5. A Project brings together a bespoke team of specialists

Where Projects difffer from BAU,

  1. BAU which is repetitive and ongoing compared to a Project that is a one off it is unique
  2. While a project brings about change BAU continuously strives to improve through small incremental steps for improvement
  3. B A U differs from a Project by being repetitive and ongoing, whereas a Project has a defined start and finish
  4. B A U through its expertise and experience of its product are able to reduce and in some cases eliminate risk, whereas a Project always involves an element of risk that needs to be managed.
  5. B A U relies on a permanent stable workforce, unlike a Project that brings together a specialised team that exists only for the lifespan of the project

1 thought on “List/Describe 5 Key Attributes Of A Project – Difference To Bau”

  1. HI Andy

    Much to short to get any good marks. Each paragraph needs to the two to three sentences describing, what, why and example. Look at the recent posts by Francine Morgan to get a good idea of what is expected.

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