Project Management Tips For Complex Projects

Paul Naybour

Project management can be difficult at the best of times, but when you are faced with a complex project, the most challenging part is often knowing where to start. From dispersed team members and aggressive deadlines to cross product integrations, there are many different types of complex projects. Below, we reveal some top tips for dealing with them effectively.


Start with the big picture

One of the worst things you can do with a complex project is dive straight in. You need to take a step back and assess the big picture. What do you aim to deliver with this project? What is the main goal of the project? What opportunities or problems will you address? How are you going to measure success? By asking these questions, you give yourself a good platform to start with.

Advance your project management training

If you do not feel confident about managing a complex project, now would be a good time to advance your project management training. There are many project management training courses for those that are looking to advance their skills. Not only will this give you the tools and techniques you need to excel, but it will look impressive on your CV too.

Define a shared goal with your team

Before you start assigning roles and responsibilities, and delegating tasks, it is vital to communicate with your project team about the main objective. You need to create a shared goal that means something to everyone that is involved. This needs to be crystal clear, and it must align with your organisational mission and the big picture. You can then break this down into smaller goals. However, it’s important that the larger, shared goal is never lost sight of.

Clear roles and responsibilities

Teams work best when they know their roles. Every person understands their responsibilities and the parts they play, and this means that they can also help their other team members to shine. Not only do you need to implement clear roles and responsibilities with your project team, but also everyone that is affected by the project. For example, who are your stakeholders? Make sure you know whose voice carries the greatest weight with the project.

Use collaboration tools

Collaboration tools are a necessity when it comes to managing complex projects. Otherwise, you are going to have a nightmare on your hands when you try to keep track of everything that is happening. Breakdowns in communication can be very expensive, and one of the biggest hurdles with complex projects is staying organised while collaborating with other team members. Luckily, there are so many collaboration tools and software programs to choose from today. They come with so many features, which means you can tailor them to suit your business.

Create a positive team environment

When a team trusts and supports each other, they work better. The environment is a positive, open, and transparent one. This is what you need to promote. Positivity begins at your door, so set the right example.

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