Quality WW Bikes Exercise

Paul Naybour




Can you please provide feedback on the below? I am not sure if I have understood the process control chart technique correctly. Thanks.

See if you can spot some fundamental requirements in the case study and identify a mechanism for testing if they have been achieved (page 142 in the study guide).


The bike must be suitable for people 1.4m to 2.10m in height & up to 160KG in weight.

Quality control mechanism

Inspection & measurement technique – Inspect that persons 1.4m and 2.10m in height can reach the handle bars and touch the ground went sat on the bike. Measure that a 160KG person can ride the bike over 10KM.


20 Prototypes are to be built on a design once finished and agreed by the EUCHA

Quality control mechanism

Walkthrough technique – A group of selected testers from the EUCHA are given the bike design specification document and they ask questions or give feedback. The specification is then passed (or failed) before the formal approval is given from the EUCHA.  


The bikes must of demonstrated covering over 20,000KM of road tests in varying weather & terrain conditions.

Quality control mechanism

Process control chart technique – EUCHA stipulate the Upper Control Limit and Lower Control Limit for bike faults during the road test. The EUCHA review the test reports readings to ensure the bike is operating within the safety tolerances.

2 thoughts on “Quality WW Bikes Exercise”

  1. Kit, All looks good to me, I hope it made you think about requirements management and quality control. I not really sure about the statistical process control charts, I think I would go with no defects outside the expected routine maintenance, tires, brakes. John Bolton is the real biking fan so I will ask him what he thinks

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