Quick wins for project managers

The most important quick project wins are the ones you should ensure happen in every project. Find out how to quickly build a starting point for a successful project.

It doesn’t matter how many projects you have been involved in, as you will learn on any project manager course there is always plenty of scope for improving your managing and planning skills. Successful projects build businesses no matter what their budget or size so it important to learn how you can get the best from your project to achieve the results you want.

These quick wins can help improve on the success of your projects:


We will never tire of mentioning just how important communication is in the world of project management; it really is one of the most important skills you will ever learn. There are a variety of different people involved in any project who you will need to communicate with, and your communications should not just be limited to the successes or failures that occur.

Listening and communication skills are vital, and this is something that can always be improved on. Whilst emails certainly have their place in the busy office there is no substitute for effective communication in person. Of course, if your team are based all over the place then email will certainly form a very important art of your communication network so ensure you always keep good email etiquette in mind and stick to the point to ensure seamless communication.


Before you even start planning the project and working out the different tasks that are involved you need to set your priorities. Talk to the people involved in the project – everyone from stakeholders to team members – and get their thoughts on the project this will make your planning more efficient and detailed; it will also help you in avoiding some complications along the way.

You should plan your priorities based on scope, time and cost. Whilst your first plan may not be your final one it will be the basis for beginning the project and along the way you can implement any small alterations that you need to make to accommodate any changes in deadlines for individual parts of the project. Be realistic in any deadlines that you do set as it can be all too easy to overrun.


Now you will need to assign roles to each of your team members. Communication is vital when it comes to ensuring that each member of your team is certain of their exact responsibilities to the project. It is important to ensure that you are aware of the different skills that your team members possess so that you can assign the most appropriate role to each one.

The team

The final results of your project depend on good teamwork. If you want to be a good leader then you need to build up trust between yourself and the members of your team. Your team members should feel that they can approach you with any issues that they encounter whilst working on the project, but this does not mean that you should continually check up on them. When you trust your team to do the jobs you have assigned this can really help to boost morale and productivity and is an essential step for ensuring the success of your project.

While you may already be ticking all of these boxes, if you think you might benefit from brushing up some of these skills then training for project managers is a great way to do this.

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