Explain 5 Elements Of A Stakeholder Analysis Process.

Paul Naybour

Any feedback on this answer would be much appreciated;


1. Interest – The level of interest the stakeholder has in the project should be guaged, including what elements of the project they are interested in, and what effect those elements will have on them. This is important in judging the amount of communication that should be had with the stakeholder, and how involved they need to be in the project.


2. Influence – The level of influence the stakeholder has needs to be identified. This will include their seniority and responsibilities with the organisation, project or customer organisation. 

For instance, do they have influence over resources you may need or pieces of equipment you need to use? Could they affect attitudes of others towards the project. Could they open up possibilities that were otherwise blocked.


3. For/Against – Are they supportive of the project or against it. A supportive stakeholder can make things happen for you. Will they be openly supportive throughout the project. This could encourage others to be supportive and perhaps revers negative views.

A negative stakeholder may not want the project to happen, may be cooperative and may be openly negative, giving a negative perception of the project in the organisation. 

Levels of influence will affect how the stakeholder’s attitude affects others in the organisation.


4. Contribution – What contribution can you expect from the stakeholder throughout the project. For instance, input of technical expertise, provide equipment or an observer with an interest in the outcomes of the project.

This will dictate how they are managed, and how and when they are communicated with.


5. Expectations – What expectation of the project and its outcomes does the stakeholder have. What deliverables or effects are they expecting.

This will dictate whether their expectations need to be managed up or down and the level of communication needed.


At this point i would also draw the stakeholder mapping matrix. This information then feeds into the project communiction plan.


Feedback welcome!




1 thought on “Explain 5 Elements Of A Stakeholder Analysis Process.”

  1. Nat

    Well done for spotting this question was about analysis and not the whole stakeholder management process. I would only add that an example might help you to get those extra marks, say building a third runway at Heathrow or similar

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