Attending Classroom Training Feb 1st.

Paul Naybour

Dear All
Will be attending the APMP Classroom training in Reading on February 1st. Have PRINCE2 Practitioner so will be sitting the slightly cut down version of the exam. Have owned the excellent study guide by John Bolton and Paul Naybor since September last year. Lets just say I’ve done the manual to death now! More or less went through it word for word twice and am now picking and choosing the parts of where I need to improve most. Its proven to be a super asset to get my knowledge from a fairly low level to a level of which at least gives me a reasonable to good understanding of the components. 
However, I feel that I need a little more to absolutely maximise my classroom training and give myself the best chance of passing the exam. Maybe I’m just being harsh on myself and may well already be in good shape for the classroom. Its possibly due to the fact with PRINCE2 Practitioner, (yes I’m aware, APMP is considered a fair amount harder!) I was able to judge my progress due to multiple choice practice exams of which give you a clear indicator of your ability. There are two online of which give you a definitive score afterwards for example. 
I’ve had a good go at the sample exam questions, but of course I have little idea as to whether I’m getting good, average or hopelessly wide of the mark answers! Maybe, this study group can assist me in the next stage of my study? Any advice would be gratefully received. 
Just to give you a quick background of myself, I work as part of a helpdesk as an IT Team Leader. I’ve had responsibility for all IT projects from conception to closure. Most of these projects would be considered ‘small’ (sub 500k) and within the organisation itself. Looking to enhance my knowledge pursue a career as a PM Professional. 
Thanks for any assistance. 

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