Positive Feedback On Parallel Virtual Training.

Paul Naybour

In this new world, we have been running all of our project management courses using on-line classrooms. It’s something we have done for some clients for many years. However we are extremely grateful to our customers, many of whom have converted classroom training to virtual training. We have been very keen to get feedback from customers to understand how they are finding this new learning style and what we can do to improve the experience. So we have been asking everyone to complete an online feedback form. The results are overwhelmingly positive, so I thought it would be worth sharing these with people who are considering taking a virtual course.

Webinar Feedback Form Results

What course are you attending?

Questions 1-4 are about the name of the course, trainer, dates of the course and employer so they are not relevant to this post.


Many people worry about the technology used for virtual learning. So I asked the following questions: It was easy to connect to the webinar session? I could hear and see the material presented?

It was easy to connect to the webinar session?
Agree or Strongly Agree: 90%

We use Adobe Connect for our webinars and we have managed to connect everyone so far. We provide detailed instructions on how to connect to Adobe Connect, but sometimes we need to guide people through the setup process on the phone. Over the coming weeks we will work on ways to get this to 100%. As part of this I designed this pool to find our which tools people use for web conferncing and which are the best.

I could hear and see the material presented
Agree or Strongly Agree: 96.3%

We would really like this indicator to be 100%, in all the session we have run some people do have teething problems, but we can usually solve these.


The presenter of this session was knowledgeable about the topic
Agree or Strongly Agree: 100%
The presenter made this session engaging
Agree, Strongly Agree: 100%

We always strive to make our training interesting, engaging, with trainers who know their stuff. It’s great to see this has translated to on-line training. Many people fear an on-line class will be dull and boring, but it’s great to see that that’s not the experience of our delegates.

7. Learning Objectives and Outcome

The sessions covered the stated learning objectives
Agree or Strongly Agree: 100%
The content presented covered the learning objectives for the sessions
Agree or Strongly Agree: 100%
I could understand the material presented
Agree or Strongly Agree: 100%

In many ways this is the most important section. It’s no surprise to me. I have been delivering on-line PM training for specific clients for over 10 years, and the outcomes in terms of APM PMQ exam passes has been just as good, if not better then classroom training. People say they like the social interaction they get from face-to-face learning but in terms of knowledge transfer, as measured by eam results, the outcome is the same.

8. Did you have any further comments about this overall programme, what did you like about the programme and could anything be improved?

“The programme was brilliant and Michelle done really well considering the current circumstances. She was very engaging and made sure that everyone understood”

The overall programme was quite interesting and interactive. This has definitely helped me to clear my doubts in certain areas. Paul Naybour has in-depth understanding and knowledge of project management and has helped us with simple examples during the programme.

I would like to highlight that regardless the fact that it is a remote session, Paul makes the session very interesting and he is able to maintain the attention of the attendees and engage like in a face to face workshop!

“Great course and really well presented Being able to do this virtually and not having to cancel was a big bonus. Would recommend this course to my course”

Very professionally done and this helped a lot in the preparation for the exam. Perhaps the course contains too much information for just six two-hour sessions, but considering this time constraint, I think we did cover as much as we could. I tried to log in to some of the webinars while in the train, and this only worked about 50% of the time (phone tethering, the onboard ‘free wifi’ was too slow consistently). Since there were recordings available this was no issue.

This was a great programme. Distance learning helped me to do this course and juggle child care. The combination of learning sessions, homework practice and podcasts available was really helpful to learn the subject.

It was a shame that we couldn’t have done in person but given the circumstances I think it was dealt with brilliantly.

9.Overall how would your rate your experience ​​​​during this programme?

It’s great to see that the overall evaluation of the programmes was


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