Project Management Tips For Sales People

Paul Naybour

There’s no denying that a whole range of skills are required to be a top project manager and this is even more true if you are in a top performing sales position. This is because many of the characteristics cross over between the two roles, including having great drive, effective collaboration skills, being proficient at time management, communicating well, being accountable, and showing exceptional discipline. If this sounds familiar, you are off to a good start, but you can take your skills and expertise to the next level with the following project management tips for sales people.



There is only one place to begin, and this is with learning to collaborate more effectively. In the modern sales world, sales representatives are going to be working together, sharing goals, and interacting regularly, which means you need to know how to collaborate effectively. You will also be interacting with people at all levels too. You need to learn how to channel your collective energy to achieve your organisational goals.



There is no better way to enhance your PM skills than by taking a project management training course. You will learn about all of the different techniques and approaches you can use to become a better project manager, and therefore, a better sales representative. There is always more to be learnt, from the different project management trends to the various tools that are available.


Time management

One of the most vital aspects of a project is its timeline. How sales professionals spend their time makes a huge difference. For example, if you spend too much time chasing deals that are of a low value when you have the capacity to engage with a prospect that is high value, this is a poor selling decision. Good time management skills are, therefore, essential for sales professionals.



Another quality that you need to master in order to excel in your sales position is discipline. You will adhere to the standards that are in place if you are a disciplined sales professional. This is especially true in regards to practices, behaviour, and processes. You need to ensure you are committed to meeting the target metrics that are implemented. You need to learn how to not let your mood or any external factor influence your focus and workflow.



Last but not least, another valuable lesson you can learn from project management is to be accountable. Project managers are accountable for every project they take on; accountable for the project team, what they deliver, how and when, and accountable for the quality, budget and schedule of the project. The same plays out in the world of sales. You can make certain that everyone on your sales team is performing to a satisfactory level by taking ownership and accountability for your actions, and making sure everyone else does the same.


If you follow these project management tips for sales people you can enhance your skills as a sales professional and you will notice that will make a considerable improvement to your quality and productivity. Project management skills are not just useful for project managers – everyone can benefit by implementing them within their work environment.

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