APMP Answer To ‘Five Ways In Which A PM Can Motivate A Team’

1) One way in which a project manager can motivate a team is by having a clear vision for the project that inspires the project team. This is important because if people can see the project has a purpose beyond the here and now they will be more motivated to deliver. An example of this was putting a man on the moon during the 1960’s

2) A second way of motivating a team is to reward individuals when they have delivered a successful activity. Linking reward and performance can be highly motivational for many individuals. An example of this will be end of project or phase bonuses.

3) A third way to motivate people is to set stretch goals for individuals. This means that people feel like they are extending their skills in order to reach the objective. In reaching a stretch goal people can feel a real sense of achievement.

4) A team spirit in a team can be highly motivational. This is because everyone pulls in the same direction and support each other to achieve a particular goal. Project managers need to work hard to achieve this sense of team spirit.

5) Avoiding blame is a way of motivating a team. This can be challenging when things go wrong in projects, but by focusing on the issue and not the person then the project can progress in a much more effective way.

2 thoughts on “APMP Answer To ‘Five Ways In Which A PM Can Motivate A Team’”

  1. Ted

    No each exam question is worth 50 marks and to get these you will need to write 5 paragraphes of two to three sentence.

  2. Hi Paul
    This is a great answer to the question. However as the question does not use the key words “describe” or “explain”, could one get away with an answer that starts off as ‘A Project Manager can motivate his team by… followed by clear and concise bullet points

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