Describe Different Roles In The Project Management Lifecycle

This question is asking to to describe five different roles, sponsor, project manager, user, team member and contactor and describe the different roles they play in the concept, definition and implementation and handover phases. This needs five paragraphs of 2-3 sentances each. Post your answers and I will give you feedback. 

7 thoughts on “Describe Different Roles In The Project Management Lifecycle”

  1. Mike I really like this answer. The only point is that the sponsor manages both internal and external relationships, but this is a minor point really. Ten more like this and you should pass.

  2. 5 key roles across a project management lifecycle would be:
    1) Sponsor
    The project sponsor owns the business case. The sponsor typically manages relationships with senior internal stakeholders, and playing a particular role at the concept and definition stage in establishing the consensus across the user(s). Throughout the implementation phase the sponsor will ensure that the Project Manager is delivering effectively against the Project Management Plan, and will act as the key contact with users and other external stakeholders such as the media or politicians. As the sponsor remains within the organisation beyond the lifetime of the project, the sponsor is also responsible for the realisation of the benefits from the project, and will therefore be held accountable for the transfer of the new capabilitities into the organisation.
    2) Project Manager
    The Project Manager is responsible for delivering the Project Management Plan. The Project Manager will be assessed against the effectiveness of the project to The Project Manager will have to influence and manage the Project Team, and coordinate project activities effectively to deliver the established outputs against the constraints of cost, quality, and time. The Project Manager will also have to manage risks.
    3) The User
    The User sets the original expectations during the concept phase for the deliverables to be provided by the project, thereby setting the context for the negotiations during the definition phase for the project’s contraints and expectations in terms of cost, quality criteria and time. Through dealing with the Project Sponsor, the User will also be required to sign off the completed deliverables in the handover phase, and in order to do so is likely to be engaged in reviews through the lifecycle to confirm that expectations are being met.
    4) Team Members
    The Project Manager may need to engage one or many people to aid the successful delivery of the project, which can be required at any stage of the project lifecycle. These Team Members could be employed directly for the project or brought in from a Project Support office or internal functional teams. Key roles could range from Configuration Management, administration or finance support or risk management services. They may be required for the whole duration of the project or for a short one-off task.
    5) Contractor
    Specialist skills may be required for the project (e.g. geologists for a ground survey) that are not available inside the project organisation, which will be brought into the project on a formal contractual basis. Reporting to the Project Manager, they will be required to deliver specific deliverables as set out in the contract. These can be required at any stage, but typically will be required during the definition phase (e.g. to carry out a feasibility study) or implementation phase (to carry out specific task(s) for the project).

  3. Karen, a very good answer, Martin well done for a first go. The have made some changes below, mostly associated with the word stakeholders which refers to people generally outside the project team, such as members of the public or government officials.

    1) Concept phase—Organization has the role to make of the fesibility and optioneering for the project to arrive at the chosen single solution for developement into the project . It is overseen by the sponsor ,and a project manager may well be appointed to develop the business case.

    2) Definiation phase—The Project Manager has the reponsibility to produce the project management plans and all the subsidiary plans such as the risk management plan and SHE management plan. The Project Management plan is the main output in this phase.

    3) Implementation phase— team members, under the direction of the project manager will produce the various components that comprise the end products. During this phase there two sub phases will be included, one is design and another build enagemnet with a design gate review by sponsor between them.

    4) Handover and closeout–project team will deliver products to sponsor wich include commissioning and the migration of products to practical use. The stakehold will dispand project team.

    5) At the end of each phase a gate review will be carried out by sponsor to decide if the project should proceed to the next phase. A post project review is carried out at the end of the Handover and Ccloseout phase to ensure complete handover of the project to customer and learn lessons for future project.

  4. Project Sponsor: The project sponsor takes ownership of the business case at the concept phase and champions the project. Throughout the definition and implementation stages the project sponsor ensures that the project remains feasible, and that resources are available. He/she will also take ownership of any issues that arise. At handover/closeout the PS will accept the deliverables in conjunction with the customer. After closeout the project sponsor will take responsibility for benefits reviews.
    Project Manager: The project manager will be appointed by the project sponsor at concept/definition stages of the project. He/she will be involved in the writing of the business case and will plan the project and write and take ownership of the project management plan during the definition stage. Throughout implementation the PM will manage the project and monitor its progress against the PMP. He/she will monitor and control risks, changes and configuration as well as potentially leading the project team. At handover the PM will collate the acceptance test data and supporting documentation and handover the deliverables. At closeout the PM will ensure that all documentation is complete and archived correctly and will lead post project evaluation/LFE.
    Quality Manager: The quality manager will write the quality management plan for incorporation into the PMP during the definition stage. The QM will then ensure that audits are performed throughout the implementation stage to verify that the project is being progressed in accordance with the extant procedures. At handover the QM will be involved in overseeing that the verification and validation of the deliverables is performed as specified and will sign off the quality of the deliverables.
    User/Customer: During concept/definition the views of the user/customer should be sought to define the deliverables/KSI for the project. Throughout implementation the user/customer should be kept informed of progress and consulted on any proposed changes which will affect the project. They should also be asked for input in case their requirements change during the course of the project. At handover the user/customer will accept the deliverables. After the closeout of the project the user/customer should be involved in benefits reviews to ascertain the accuracy of the business case.
    Team member: At definition the team members will be assigned to the project, and may be asked to input information for incorporation within the PMP. They should familiarise themselves with the PMP requirements. Their main involvement is during the implementation stage when they will carry out the work packages/tasks to the PMP and record costs/work done to enable EVM to be performed. At handover/closeout the team members will be involved in testing and writing supporting documentation for the deliverables and potentially providing training to the user. At closeout the team members will be debriefed and redeployed.

  5. Project life cycle includes concepet, definination, implementation and handover &clouseout phases, within each phases project management has its governance roles:

    1) Concept phase—Organization has the role to make of the fesibility and optioneering for the project to arrive at the chosen single solution for developement into the project . It is overseen by the sponsor ,and a project manager may well be appointed to develop the business case.

    2) Definiation phase—stakeholders have the reponsibility to produce the project management plans and all the subsidiary plans such as the risk management plan and SHE management plan. plan is the main output in this phase.

    3) Implementation phase— stakeholders will produce the various components that comprise the end products. During this phase there two sub phases will be included, one is design and another build enagemnet with a design gate review by stakeholds between them.

    4) Handover and closeout–project team will deliver products to sponsor wich include commissioning and the migration of products to practical use. The stakehold will dispand project team.

    5) At the eand of each phase a gate review will be carried out by stakeholds to decide if the project should proceed to the next phase. A post project review is carried out at the end of the Handover and Ccloseout phase to ensure complete handover of the project to customer and learn lessons for future project.

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