Typical APM PMQ exam questions

Paul Naybour

These are some typical questions based on the first two chapters in the
Remember to get the full marks for each questions you need to write
five paragraphs for each question. Each paragraph should explain the
point you are trying to make and then explain why it is important to
project managers. So for example the barriers to effective
communication might be five paragraphs like:
1) Time zones are one of the key barriers to communication in
multi-national projects. This makes communication difficult as the
working period of different team members may not overlap and the remote
working can make it difficult for the project to build trust
between team members. Project managers can overcome this by organising
face to face start up meeting of key project team members or by using
on-line conferencing facilities to build relationships.
Five more like that and you should get full marks.
So the questions for this week are, please complete any two from the
questions below.
1) List and describe five functions that a project office can perform?
2) Describe five typical responsibilities of a project sponsor?
3) Describe five situations in which portfolio management would be
4) List and describe five activities that take place during handover
and closeout?
5) Describe five different types of project reviews?
6) Describe five advantages of adopting a structured method?
7) Explain the benefits of project governance?

6 thoughts on “Typical APM PMQ exam questions”

  1. That from the top of my head. I’m sure I’m short of full marks but would like to think I’m on the right lines at least.

  2. 4) e) Any equipment used during the project may need to be returned to hire companies, disassembled or in some cases disposed of.

  3. 4) d) Appraisals of project staff and teams are carried out. The information gained from these could prove useful in future projects.

  4. 4) c) Training may need to be provided to those who will operate the projects products. This could be relatively simply hands on training or could be extensive commissioning for a more complex product.

  5. 4) b) A post project review will be carried out. This will be documented by the project manager and filed securely for future reference. It may include what went well, what didn’t go so well and what lessons can be learned for future projects.

  6. 4) a) Products are handed over to operational teams in preparation for business as usual. Quality reviews will take place to ensure that the correct products have been delivered.

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