Project Management Apprenticeship Not Going To Plan? What You Can Do

Paul Naybour

If you have made the decision that project management is the right career path for you then you will find yourself faced with a number of choices before you even begin your career in project management.

You will need to decide whether you want to go down the route of formal education and follow a graduate or undergraduate course or if you feel that a project management apprenticeship is the more appropriate choice of path for you.

With the second choice you will have the opportunity to learn whilst working alongside a variety of fully qualified peers. This is a great way to really see project management in action and learn from the experts, whilst getting a good insight into what project management is all about – there really is no substitute for first-hand experience.

Quite often you will also be learning alongside other apprentices which will help you to build up a network of people within the industry who will be with you for a long time to come.


Talk To Someone

If something about your apprenticeship is not going to plan then it is really important to talk to someone about it. If you don’t express any concerns that you have then nobody will be able to address any of the issues that are concerning, you.

This is the first step that you should take; if, however, once you have talked to someone nothing changes and your situation isn’t working out as expected then it is important to understand what other steps are available to you.


Can I Change My Apprenticeship?

Changing your apprenticeship can be difficult and is certainly not a decision that you should take lightly. Quite often it is the job rather than the apprenticeship that someone might be having an issue with.

There is a possibility that you might be able to change your job whilst continuing on the same apprenticeship, so if the job is the source of any problems you are having then this might be the first route to explore.

If you manage to change your job then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to continue with the same apprenticeship providing your new employer agrees. Your training provider will also need to agree that your new role is suitable but you will be able to continue your studies without losing out on all the time that you have already spent studying.


Extra Training

If you are struggling with your apprenticeship and feel that you are falling behind with your studies, you may benefit from some extra type of training alongside what you are learning in your apprenticeship or even some one-to-one coaching. This could really help you to add to the learning you have already completed as part of your apprenticeship, whilst giving you a more in-depth understanding of your subject, and clearing up any areas you are struggling with.


Remember, if your project management apprenticeship is not going to plan then take some action to remedy the situation.

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